Call of duty nazi edition

Me and my brother loved to play video games together we would vs each other weekly we decided to play call of duty ghosts he battered me every where so to be honest I wanted to finally win once. So I said to him why don't we play something more slow paced because those were the games that I was good at. So I proposed that we should play call of duty 2 I decided to get the game of free cycle because me and my brother aren't particularly rich. We got the game for the original Xbox, I went to pick it up because I could drive. When I got to his house he invited me in when he tried to find the game, when he was up stairs I seen a swasticka thinking it was something to do with a metal band I brushed it of, when he came down stairs he passed me my game and said it was special edition. From the case I couldn't see any difference but I didn't question him because he was giving me a free game I thanked him and left. When I got home I put the game in it didn't have a title screen it just put be right in the action but allot of old games done this so that wasn't irregular but then I realised I was wearing a nazi soldiers uniform I thought I was probably a spy but then I started executing civilians because the game said it was my objective. After a few missions of pointless murder I got a promotion of sorts. I was a guard In a death camp but gas chambers weren't invented so I just walked perimeters and executed people after a while it was like having a job I didn't even feel bad while executing civilians. After a while the leader of the camp called me in to his office and my character through different choices of mine came up with the idea of gas chamber. And I had to help people into the chambers and listen to the screams and then I dragged them to the inferno and chuck them in. I remember one time I opened the door and a women grabbed me and begged for mercy and I just pushed her in and closed the door. The game has changed I am a monster I am lying down In an empty grave in wolvercote cemetery in Oxford please someone kill me.
''via Reddit''